
Welcome to Computer Security 2023

  • Computer Security: Principles and Practice, 4th edition
    • Published by Pearson (July 14th 2021) - Copyright © 2018
    • William Stallings Lawrie Brown
    • please check with your university library for the link for the e-book
I missed my class / missed marking my attendance/ attended online / attended another tutorial class → Come to class and meet me to mark your attendance with valid reasons
Where can I get the course notes & slides → Only certain slides are available to share, other slides are subject to copyright by publisher, all notes are available in the book, all exams will be based from the contents of the book
Where can I get the recordings of the lecture It is shared in your university document system and also in the telegram group

Click here for the full FAQ FAQ


Recordings available via university system

1st Half

Week Date Topic Chapter/Page
1 2/May Introduction to the course -
2 9/May History
3 16/May Security management & Risk Analysis Chapter 1&14
4 23/May User Authentication Chapter 3
5 30/May Access Control Chapter 4
6 6/June Malicious Software Chapter 6
13/June Assignment 1

2nd Half

Week Date Topic Chapter/Page
2-1 20/June Security Audit Chap18
2-2 27/June DB/DC Chap5
2-3 4/July Software security Chap11
2-4 11/July Internet Security Chap22
2-5 18/July Summary
2-6 25/July Tutorial test/Revision
2-7 1/Aug Assignment 2

Links used in lectures

  • Last modified: 2023/08/04 00:37