
FAQ Assignment 2

Section A

  1. Should we copy exactly from the book for Section A
    1. depends on the question
    2. some computer terms must be stated exactly such as “Artificial Intelligence” and not “Artificially Intelligent” or “Artificially Intelligently”
    3. but the explanation must be done using your own words
  2. Can we use point form?
    1. yes can be explained in point form as long as you expand the points. Don't give one or two words.
  3. Do I need to include references if I've used some of the definition online?
    1. It is advisable to include but not compulsory. I would recommend using the text book as a guideline.
  4. that's how subjective questions are different from objective questions
    1. subjective questions are very subjective
    2. my opinion is : i prefer objective :-) Multiple_choice
  5. Tips : refer to the number of points given for a question
    1. if there are 3 points given, then you have to write 3 major points
  6. if the answers are not found in the book and only found in a particular website, please cite the website
  7. for question 5, section A,
    1. the 2023 list is also accepted. but please put the year in brackets
  8. Q : How to do a table in word processor
  9. Q : How to draw a drawing in Google docs
  10. Q : What must I save the file name as?
    1. This is the format of the filename for the final file which you have to upload into the system. Please follow this file-naming style so that it will make it easy for us to search for your file and to submit it to Lancaster website. And please do not use spaces between words, use underscore.
      1. CSC3044_A2_StudentID_name.pdf
    2. for example
      1. CSC3044_A2_1432415_alwinkumar.pdf

Section B

Structure of an article. Some tips in the links.

Introduction_(writing) Body Conclusion

  1. for the develop proposed security solution in section B is the solution proposed in the paper or we should propose solution?
    1. You may expand the solution proposed by the author of the article or add your own solution which you feel is better
  2. Evaluation of Software/ DB / Network Security
    1. The article mainly discusses the approaches to improve software security, can I evaluate the approaches instead of the software? Because the article didn't really focus on any particular software
    2. Each article may or may not discuss any brand of the software, it is up to you to evaluate the concepts and theories we learned in class
  3. what are management issues
    1. these issues are hidden in between the text
    2. maybe the author mentions a specific brand name
    3. if the incident is linked to a faulty machine using the parts or software from Company ABC
    4. you may infer that the management could consider using parts/software from Company DEF in future to prevent the faulty machine
    5. other management issues are discussed in detail in the book which has been recommended for you
    6. other examples include human resource, purchasing, supplier selection etc. I have to mention another interesting management issue is Corruption
    7. some of it is directly mentioned and some is indirectly mentioned in the article
    8. either the method proposed by the authors on how to handle or in general how we handle the type of computer security threat
  • Reading and summary assignment
    • if you are given a reading material
    • you don't have to read and memorise each page as if it was a text book
      • read to understand the points raised by the author
      • it is just an article by the author
      • it contains points/ opinion by the author
      • you may agree or disagree
        • yes you have the right to disagree with the author
      • don't go too technical
    • each author will have a different style of writing
      • some will have more charts
      • some authors will write in words only with no pictures
      • some authors wont use words and may use videos only
      • its important to read any style to understand the variety
    • use the points in the article given to compose your own points
      • you cant just state your own points
      • you must base your points on the article
      • for example if the article is about how to prevent bank fraud
        • you may say that you disagree with the author because of reasons (give your reasons)
        • next you need to say “With that I propose the method …..” (give your suggestion
    • if you are asked to write a summary
      • make sure you write a summary and not a full article.
      • of course the article will be long and may have lots of points here and there
      • you have to summarise it and make it interesting for the person reading your write-up
        • if let's say, I'm in a rush and I don't have time to read 20pages, I will read your summary and get the whole picture
  • All articles contain information needed for you
    • if the points are not directly available, use the keywords or references given by the author
    • sometimes if the task is to write an essay, you have control (with guidelines) to write anything
      • state your points clearly and sharply
      • don't put in long sentences explaining nothing
      • assignment is different from marketing department fillers
  • If you are given an article to read
  • it is wise not to compare with the article assigned to your friend
  • sometimes you will feel bad thinking about unnecessary things
    • focus on your own article
    • and finish up the assignment
  • Should we include reference for write-ups
  • if you are writing a summary - the main reference will be the main article which you are using to summarise
  • this is entirely up to you as a writer
  • but when you give other points or additional points which have not been addressed by the author
    • in this case it would be good to add reference
  • for example if the article says Product A is the best
    • and if you have had experience using or evaluating Product B
    • you may wish to search for another article which evaluates Product B
    • in this case it would be necessary to include the reference to Product B
  • What reference style should we use?
  • usually for an article, I would recommend APA or IEEE style
  1. Q: Summary of the article in terms of ….
    1. summarise the article by stating the points given by the author
  2. Q: Evaluation of the ….. explained or used by the authors of the article.
    1. evaluate or give your ideas/opinions about the methods/points given by the author
  3. Q: Evaluation of Management Issues
    1. evaluate in terms of management issues - refer to the tips above (section A)
  4. Q: article has no info about the computer security principles
    1. A All the articles given have info regarding the subject matter
    2. the difference would be in the way the author has written the article - this is referred to as the author's style of writing
    3. the info given is either Implicit or Explicit
      1. Please refer to the following website for further information
  5. Q: For the section “proposed security solution”
    1. Should I write the security solution for the all the issues as a whole or just the isolated issue with the given topic
    2. A : You may select some issues and comment on it
    3. When we write a review or summary for an article, it would not be proper to review every single point given by the author
      1. just choose a few which you think is a major, important and relevant point and discuss about it

General FAQ

  1. When is the deadline for submission? Should we follow the e-learn or the date on the first page of the assignment?
    1. Follow the date on the cover of the assignment. The system is open for late submission.
  2. I need some extra time to complete the assignment
    1. Please send an email with a valid reason and it will be approved on a case by case basis.
  3. Should I advise my friend?
    1. finish your own task first and then proceed to provide advise
    2. You can advise and guide but not do the assignment for them
      1. your friend may say “I'm sick and admitted to the hospital”
      2. please help to do my assignment
      3. your response should be “Why don't you explain your situation to the lecturer. He/She might understand and make some other arrangements”
        1. all lecturers are not that bad :-)
  4. If you help others(your friend) to do their assignment
    1. you will create a person (your friend) who will always assume he/she can get others to do his/her work in the future and go and play golf
    2. think about this
    3. and the worst part is when the friend twists the story and tells the lecturer that you copied from the person
      1. this has happened :-(
  5. Can i share my answers with my friends?
    1. this is similar to allowing your friend to copy from you
    2. so it is not allowed
  6. Can I copy from my friend?
    1. attempt your best by yourself, by your own effort
    2. if you are in a desperate situation
      1. example some personal incident, you can always talk to the lecturer and others
      2. they can always arrange another solution
      3. cheating is not a solution
    3. if you are at the last assignment and you feel bad about not attending classes the whole year
    4. it is ok- at least you learned that you have to sit for classes in the future
    5. try again next year
      1. you don't have to rush through life
      2. :-O real incident : one of my friend was caught cheating in the final exam
        1. he was banned for 1 year
        2. he was actually an A student, we really don't know why he chose this desperate move on the last minute
        3. anyway he came back, completed his studies, graduated and learned an important lesson in life
        4. the rest of us, we were not too far ahead with 1 year difference
        5. so it didn't make a difference
        6. don't worry, you won't get promoted to become the CEO in the first year. so a year doesn't make a difference
        7. but cheating is equivalent to cheating in life
  7. Does it matter if I get an A or B
    1. No, in life it doesn't matter
    2. Did you question the guy who claims he is good in wiring to change the 240volts fuse in your house? He came and he changed it and you paid him. No discussion about his high school English level. But on the lighter side, maybe that's me, I change my own fuse in my house :-)
    3. but then again, you should always strive to be a better 'you'
    4. if you got a B last year in Maths, strive for a B+ this year and strive for an A next year
    5. life is about improvement
    6. Let me relate an incident last week, I met one MC for a ceremony who feels he/she has been the best because of experience for over 20 years
      1. but the funny part was, it was a lousy event by my standards
      2. why?
      3. because the MC never improved over the years
      4. one example was when the VIP walked in, the MC didn't even welcome the VIP,
      5. I had to get up and nudge the MC to welcome the VIP; the VIP was feeling a bit awkward without being welcomed
      6. so life is about improvement; for anyone; if you're a MC for an event or a student studying for an exam
  8. When am i supposed to send the assignment
    1. plan earlier
    2. attempt to send in before the due date
    3. don't wait until the last minute
    4. if something unexpected happens, you will be really in a tight spot, so always attempt to finish it earlier
  9. What is the percentage of similarity which will be valid?
    1. for essays it will be at 20%
    2. for subjective questions
      1. the rate will be determined by the similarity score on a case by case basis by the department

“I don’t want to fly in an airplane that was programmed by somebody who cheated in this class”

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  • Last modified: 2023/08/04 02:49