
Tutorial Sep 2023

These tutorial sessions are designed for the beginner user to understand the basics of Linux and to progress towards more detailed usage in the second half.



1st half

Week Date Topic Commands
1 14/Sep Intro
2 21/Sep Adding files & folders, Delete files, Move & rename files & folders, extended ls, nano, cat ls,cd, touch, mkdir, rmdir, rm, rm -r,mv
28/Sep Public holiday
3 5/Oct secure delete, adding user adduser, scp
4 12/Oct copying files using IP address, ssh scp
5 19/Oct Users & groups chmod,chown,chgrp
6 26/Oct Test 1 - first half

2nd half

Week Date Topic Commands
2-1 9 Nov 2023 Networking
- ARP,
- IP spoofing
arp, v1
2-2 16 Nov 2023 Networking
- Hostname, Phishing
- Pentest, weakness, threats
2-3 23 Nov 2023 Prevention
- Block IP
- Keys
Block IP
2-4 30 Nov 2023 Detection
- Log Files
Log, dmesg
2-5 7 Dec 2023 Backup cronjob,rsync
2-6 14 Dec 2023 Test 2 - second half
2-7 Assignment 2

Additional skills

  • editing files
    • nano
    • gedit
    • cat
    • file naming convention - uppercase & lowercase
  • directory
    • ls -la
    • pwd
  • user management
    • whoami
    • who
    • passwd
    • /etc/passwd
    • /etc/shadow
    • sudo command
  • grep
  • checking system
    • top
    • df -kh
    • du -kh
    • free -kh
    • lscpu
  • network
    • ping
    • ip -4 a
    • ip a add dev eth0
  • keys
    • ssh-keygen -f rsa.pem -y
  • update/ install
    • apt update
    • apt install nano

Tutorial FAQ

  • What is ping
  • how to change password
  • how to setup the IP address
  • terminal - why are we using it
    • faster
    • secure
    • output is standard
    • navigate
    • less resources
    • reliable
Dear all, 
List of topics for the tutorial/practical class test No. 2
1. Networking : ARP
2. Vulnerabilities : pentest using nmap
3. Detection : using log file
4. Prevention : Block IP
  • Last modified: 2023/11/08 15:30