
FAQ Assignment 2

  • How long is the exam
    • 1 week
  • where are the lecture slides
    • due to copyright restrictions, only certain lecture slides are available, please use the reading material (book) and I also want to encourage you to read more instead of watching videos only.
  • section A we can use any source except for q5 where we follow the organisation given to us in the list then section B the source will be from the list given to us as well?
    • Yes correct
  • I have been assigned with a company but the link provided does not work. It's sent to Wikipedia but does not have an article to it. Is it safe for me to search for the company Wikipedia myself?
    • The link given is just for reference to give you an idea of the type of company. You don't have to research the whole history of the company.
  • where can I find assignment 2 and when to submit
    • in the university's online learning portal and to submit within a week
  • Did we finish assignment 2
    • We have a total of 2 assignments and 2 tests
  • Assignment 2 is reference needed for any question
    • Each student is assigned with an article to use. Please refer to the document in the university's online learning portal and search for your name
  • On the paper it says Thursdays 9th of August , but 9th is Friday at 11 pM
    • typo, 9th of august is a Friday
  • What time is it due on?
  • Can I get an extension?
    • Yes sure. please send me an email for the record with valid reasons
  • Any penalty for late submission?
    • late submission will not have marks deducted but please try your best to keep with the dateline as this is a training for you when you are working in a job later on to be able to meet project datelines
  • need to include references for both section a and section b
    • It is recommended to include references but it is not compulsory to find references for every single sentence/ paragraph etc.
  • For the questions in Section A, is it fine if my answers are around 100-300 words?
    • There are no word limit for Section A, but please do not write too long answers
    • please use the points as a guideline. its a short answer section. don't write an essay
  • Can we have references for both section A and section b? If yes what type of references? APA or IEEE?
    • Either one will be fine
  • do we need the cite the textbook if we referred to it?
    • Yes, you may
  • Question 5( c) : do we reproduce the chart in Word and highlight the numbers on the chart, or we need to construct a table with the numbers chosen from the chart?
    • Do a risk analysis (risk register table)
    • The chart given in 5 ( c) is a damage/likelihood table
  • How does a risk register table look like?
    • please refer to slides in the university's online learning portal

Structure of an article. Some tips in the links.

Introduction_(writing) Body Conclusion
  • for section B right, does it only limit to technical network securities, what about laws that was mentioned in the articles to improve network security?
    • Please evaluate based on software security, DB security and Network security
    • Laws can be mentioned in management issues (bullet point 4)
  • what are the principles that you ask for in section b? is it confidentiality integrity etc or like network segmentation, data integrity
    • Summary of the article in terms of computer security technology and principles
  • Develop a proposed security solution“, are you mentioning the solution from the article or we need to suggest a solution based on the article?
    • If the points are not stated explicitly in the article, please evaluate the implicit points.
  • So if the security solutions are already stated in the article, I can just use the points right?
    • Yes, you may.
  • each points in section B must be 300 words? Or would it be ok to allocate more words to other points if we feel like one of the question does not require that much word?
    • its up to you, 300 words per point is a rough estimate to help you plan your answer
  • what are explicit and implicit
  • can we use part of the explicit points to form our proposed solution or you cannot utilize the articles points at all even if mentioned potential solutions
    • The question requires you to extract the points and present it. You may use the points in the article and you may also add your own points. Get creative.
  • are we supposed to answer in bullet points or in paragraph?
    • Recommended style of writing → 1.0 introduction 2.0 summary etc
  • Section B mention evaluation management Issues, But I double checked that there is zero mention of management for my article paper which is article no. 5.
    • If the points are not stated explicitly in the article, please evaluate the implicit points.
  • does it mean human management issues or something like database management issues
    • Management refers to General management issues as outlined in the book Part 3 from chapter 14 to 19

“I don’t want to fly in an airplane that was programmed by somebody who cheated in this class”

  • Last modified: 2024/08/09 03:14