

1. Make 2 directories

mkdir project1
mkdir backup1

2. Go inside the folder project1 and make some files

cd project1
touch notes accounts list1
nano notes
nano accounts
nano list
mkdir codes
cd ..

3. use the cp command to copy and backup

cp -r project1 backup1/

4. go inside the backup1 folder and check

5. delete the contents of a file in project1

6. go up one level and repeat backup command

7. go inside the backup1 folder and check again

7. using secondary backup option in cp

cp -br project1 backup1/

8. using numbered backup option

cp -r --backup=numbered project1 backup1/


remote syncronisation

incremental backup

rsync -avrz source destination

incremental backup and delete files

rsync -avrz --delete source destination

crontab -e

press enter to choose nano as the text editor

Type this at the bottom

0 5 * * * rsync -avrz source destination

press control o and enter and control x

  • Last modified: 2023/12/07 01:52